

Ba Humata makes no express or implied representations or warranties about the accuracy or suitability of information provided in the webinars and related materials. The opinions expressed in any webinar are those of the author(s)/speaker(s) only, and may not necessarily represent the views of Ba Humata or individuals associated with this initiative. Ba Humata does not accept any liability for any loss arising from the use of the information.
By providing their Photograph, Biography and/or recordings, speakers consent that their photograph, bio data and recordings shall be displayed by Ba Humata on various websites and other virtual platforms supporting these webinars and on posters and other publicity material before, during and after the webinars.
For the purpose of dissemination of knowledge and information, the recording of each webinar shall be posted on various websites including but not limited to the NAMC website, Zoroastrians.net and other websites from time to time.

Recording is currently archived digitally but it may be changed to whatever may be the relevant format in the future. By registering and/or logging on to any Ba Humata webinar, the participant agrees to the following:
a. Personally-identifiable information of participants may be heard, seen, read, collected, or used by Ba Humata as the organizer and other webinar participants;
b. The on-line provision and recording of Ba Humata Webinars are supported by relevant and numerous software/digital platforms, which may change over time. As such the participant voluntarily consents by default to the recording of the webinar by the relevant platform, he/she logs onto, as well as the storage and playback of the recorded webinar, on the platform, as chosen by the Ba Humata team, at the relevant point in time.
c. Zoom/Cisco/MST/etc., service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be automatically recorded, which may be discoverable. By joining these webinar sessions, the participant automatically consents to such recordings. If he/she does not consent to being recorded, please discuss your concerns with the host or please do not join the session.